Meet the team

Our multidisciplinary, passionate team combines experience and expertise gained from working in the DRC mining sector, transforming ASM practices and setting up and facilitating programs that engender local community development.

The Team

Gustav Dahlqvist

Gustav Dahlqvist

Monitoring & Evaluation Lead

Gustav is a research, data, and management specialist with a solid background in international relations, international trade governance, and international development management. His role at The Impact Facility centres on developing credible and cost-efficient monitoring and evaluation systems to measure project impact in alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Coming to us straight from […]

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Ley Imbamba Eyaki

Ley Imbamba Eyaki

Project Manager

Ley Imbamba Eyaki holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commercial and Administrative Sciences and several certifications, including one in Mineral Supply Chain Audit (National Certified Trading Chain (CTC) Auditor and Third-Party Auditor of the ICGLR) and Internal Control (Fund for Financial Inclusion). He also has other certifications, including trainer of trainers in GBV case management / […]

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Agathe Bukasa

Agathe Bukasa

Executive Director

Agathe is an experienced sustainability professional with a diverse background in strategy development, risk management, and implementing sustainability best practices across the mining value chain. She previously worked in sustainability integration and impact at Anglo American and at De Beers Group, focusing on collaborating with stakeholders to address risks related to conflict minerals and supply […]

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Mado-Esther Mutombo

Mado-Esther Mutombo

Community Relations & Administration

Mado-Esther Mutombo is experienced in managing community support programs in recovery and emergency situations. These programs help people overcome their vulnerability by building alternative livelihoods in the transition phase and moving on to development. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Community Development, with a major in Project Management and Administration at the Institut Supérieur d’Etudes […]

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Assheton Stewart Carter PhD

Assheton Stewart Carter PhD

Strategic Advisor

“When you trust people to do the right thing, and you give them the means to do it, the results can be astonishing. We are beginning now, even in these early days of the FCA, to see those results and there is nothing more uplifting to know that we played a small part in these successes.”

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David Sturmes

David Sturmes

Corporate Engagement and Strategic Partnerships

“Cobalt is key to enabling a speedy transition to a green, post-carbon economy. The DRC’s unparalleled cobalt endowments should serve as a catalyst for local development. By investing in the professionalisation of artisanal mining and creating dignified employment opportunities throughout local mining communities, we can help turn this mineral wealth into lasting prosperity. To make this happen, we need to dare to be part of the solution.”

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Freddy Mwamba

Freddy Mwamba

Lead for Health and Safety

“I joined the FCA team to bring my know-how and experience acquired in the industrial sector to help clean up the artisanal mining environment. In collaboration with our partners and artisanal miners, we are improving working conditions, identifying hazards and managing risks with the goal of reaching zero accidents within our cooperatives.”

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Yves Kasongo

Yves Kasongo

Lead for ASM Engagement

“Working with artisanal miners is my passion. At roughly 20% of production, artisanal mining is a key economic resource of DR Congo, however, without proper risk management disaster the consequences could be dire. As experts in the sector, we are happy to provide technical guidance on how to avoid mining accidents such as landslides, rockfall and subsidence. With the Fair Cobalt Alliance, the formalisation of artisanal mining is guaranteed.”

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Candice Jumwa

Candice Jumwa

Business Innovation and Fundraising Officer

“Artisanal cobalt producers contribute over 7% of the cobalt production in the world, almost a billion dollars in value with minimal resources and expertise. Imagine what would happen if actors across the cobalt supply chain invested and supported in mine improvement, decent working conditions and facilitated fair trading practices? Responsibly mined artisanal cobalt would easily flow into formal supply chains, and the economic potential of mining communities would be realised. The FCA aims to facilitate this, and I am excited to be part of the team.”

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Antoine Kasongo

Antoine Kasongo

DRC Country Director

“Drawing on the experience I have accumulated in previous work, I want to strengthen the future of artisanal mining in Congo for economic justice in the cobalt supply chain by working to improve working conditions in artisanal mining sites,  through hygiene & sanitation, as well as safety, remediation of child labour so that the workers in the sector benefit more from their work”.

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Guest Authors

Guest Authors

We’re very happy to invite guest authors to write on the Fair Cobalt Alliance website.

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To achieve lasting impact and avoid a duplication of effort on the ground, we are working with a network of organizations and individuals that share our belief that change is possible and that collaboration is needed to get there.

At Glencore, we recognise that artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is a vital source of employment and income generation in countries like the DRC. We believe ASM can co-exist alongside large-scale mining when carried out responsibly and transparently.
Through our membership of the FCA, we are investing to address the poverty that is the underlying cause of so many of the challenges associated with ASM. What’s more, we will support legitimate ASM cooperatives in their endeavours to transform their practices and align with international human rights practices, especially in the prevention of child labour.

David Brocas
Head Cobalt Trader, Glencore and Chairman of the Cobalt Institute